Death Is Certain, Says Rev Anthony Alawode - The State Post


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Death Is Certain, Says Rev Anthony Alawode

It was a very sombre and emotional moment today at the Foursquare Gospel Church Ita Iyalode, the District Headquarters of the Foursquare Gospel Church Abeokuta, during the funeral service of Late Pastor Mrs Adeyemi Dawodu, the District Overseer of the church. 

In his sermon given to encourage the family, friends and well wishers to take courage, Rev. Anthony Alawode  noted that "the daughter of Zion has gone to be with her Creator". 

He emphasized the need to reconcile with one's creator while alive as he pointed out that though death is wicked, it is a certainty. 

Using Isaiah 40:7 which says "The grass  withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it", Rev Alawode said, surely the people are the grass that would surely die adding that this is certain because it is appointed unto a man to die once after then, judgement.
The District Overseer also described death as wicked because the book of Ecclesiastes 8:8 which says " There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit" death does not announce it's arrival and has no regard for age. 

According to the man of God, what matters most is the relationship with the creator, so use the opportunity to reconcile with the Lord.

He concluded his message by stressing that we all have an appointment with death even though we've all forgotten the appointment but death is certain.

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