Sad News for all vaccinated people after this was revealed - The State Post


Tuesday, May 17, 2022


Sad News for all vaccinated people after this was revealed


As a consequence of the publication of further information on the outcomes of the vaccines, patients are now exposed to a major risk.

According to the article that can be found on page 132 of the Pfizer vaccination book, it is stated that the vaccine effectively prevents unprotected intercourse for up to 28 days after the second dose that has to be provided in order to be effective. 

Additionally, it lessens the chances of men becoming fathers by preventing pregnancy. 

This is true for both men and females who, for reasons related to genetic control, do not give birth to their children.

"We are all having symptoms that are comparable to one another, including but not limited to exhaustion, chest pain, brain fog, tachycardia, disorientation, stomach ache, migraine, muscular fits, and copying discomfort. 

We are all also feeling these symptoms simultaneously. Improvements along these lines are advantageous to each and every one of us. 

However, there is still some doubt among the scientific community concerning the relationship between vaccination and the disease." Boling continues to assert that.

People who have just had a vaccination are naturally worried about what could happen in the future as a result of unanticipated aftereffects.

"At this point, we have a comprehension of the reasons why nations all across the world are simultaneously relaxing vaccination laws.

A total of eight pages are devoted to discussing the aftereffects. Every single individual in the media, every single official in the government, and every single person in the professional world who helped promote this should be sent to prison "according to a supporter who can be found on twitter.


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