You can now kiss through the phone! - The State Post


Sunday, February 20, 2022

You can now kiss through the phone!

Nothing can compare to actual human contact though, but this phone that transmits kisses to loved ones remotely is trying really hard to fill in the gaps for those times when you’re unable to reach out and touch someone.

Whether you’re trying to make a long-distance relationship work or you’re away in college and badly missing your friends and family, the Kissinger smartphone sends a semblance of a smooch that will hopefully hold that special someone over until you can meet up for in-person affection.


Oh, and this all goes down during a live video chat, so there’s both visual and physical stimulation.

For the record, the phone has no correlation to Henry Kissinger, but thanks to Gizmodo for the joke.Needless to say, this smartphone transmission has a much broader purpose than simply one-upping those flirty emojis we use to send kisses over the phone.


  Although Zhang has reassured us that “this research will not attempt to conclude whether it is ethically acceptable to have intimate relationships with robots,” (uh, thanks) the smartphone will mimic wearable tech devices by gathering stats like heart rate and blood pressure to see how the biological reactions elicited by these simulated kisses compare with the real thing.
So, you're welcome, go on kissing via your phone!

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