SEX, SEX, SEX ALL THE TIME! ...How to know when a man is addicted to sex - The State Post


Friday, February 25, 2022

SEX, SEX, SEX ALL THE TIME! ...How to know when a man is addicted to sex

According To Webmd S€xual addiction is defined as s€xual conduct that has become compulsive not merely for the sake of pleasure and has negative consequences that impair a person’s relationships and career.

While s€x addiction frequently involves s€xual contact with one or more persons, people may be classified as addicted if they engage in excessive usage of pørnøgraphy, chat rooms, or flirting with strangers on the internet.

For example, if a man watches pørnøgraphy for several hours every day, he may come to believe that this is how real people make love.

As his expectations rise, he loses interest in the wife he once found seductive. Work and family appear uninteresting in comparison to his yearning for s€xual excitement.

To be clear, s€x addiction isn’t just a male issue. Women with s€xual compulsive behavior make up a small percentage of the population. Because women’s s€x addiction differs from men’s, we’ll focus exclusively on guys in this article.

Here are 4 signs that a man may be addicted to s€x:

S€xual dysfunction
Many young men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation during intercourse now have those problems as a result of their pørnøgraphic habits.

When a man watches a lot of sensual photographs before getting to the climax, his dopamine levels soar to a level of arousal that is unmatched in s€x with his partner.

In other words, he begins to train his body to crave these high levels of arousal, and his capacity to function with a partner may suffer as a result.

Losing interest in his current s€xual partner

When a man abruptly quits wanting s€x, the relationship can be severely disrupted. Each partner has different levels of desire, and it might be difficult to bring them together.However, if he withdraws completely from the s€xual connection for an extended period of time, it could be an indication that his s€xual energy is shifting.

He neglects taking care of his obligations.
S€xual conduct has most likely turned into a compulsion if it interferes with his relationships with his spouse, family, or career. And if he takes risks that would alert his employer’s HR department (flirting with coworkers, masturbation at work, viewing pørnøgraphy on work servers), the threat of the compulsion has escalated, putting his job in jeopardy.

S€xual acts consume a significant amount of his time.

It’s likely that a man has a compulsion if his pørnøgraphy habit consumes a significant amount of time, such as sleeping on working hours. He could be compensating for depression, for example, if his conduct isn’t rooted in s€x addiction. Regardless of the reason, he is in desperate need of assistance at this point.

So, what do you have to do? If any of these symptoms appear:

Speak with a s€x therapist or a psychiatrist
Consider inpatient therapy.

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