Witchcraft-Believing Murderer, William LeCroy Executed In United States - The State Post


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Witchcraft-Believing Murderer, William LeCroy Executed In United States

.           William, the killer and Joann, his victim

A notorious criminal, William Emmett LeCroy Jnr. has been served capital punishment with execution by the United States Penitentiary Terre Haute for the rape and murder of Joann Lee Tiesler, a 30-year-old nurse.

LeCroy was pronounced dead about 15 hours ago.

Witchcraft-obsessed LeCroy  raped and murdered Joann Lee Tiesler in Georgia 19 years ago, whom he blamed for putting a “spell” on him.

“Today(yesterday) William Emmett LeCroy Jr., 50, was executed at U.S. Penitentiary Terre Haute in accordance with the capital sentence recommended by a federal jury and imposed by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia in 2004.  LeCroy was pronounced dead at 9:06 p.m. EDT," Department of Justice Spokesperson, Kerri Kupec, said in a release provided to The Daily Crucible.

It was learnt that in October 2001, LeCroy robbed, raped and murdered Joann Lee Tiesler, a 30-year-old nurse. 

"LeCroy had previously served 10 years in federal and state prison for, among other crimes, aggravated assault, burglary, child molestation, and statutory rape. 

" After his release to supervised probation, LeCroy began planning to flee the country.  In furtherance of that plan, LeCroy broke into Tiesler’s home in Gilmer County, Georgia.  

"Once she returned, LeCroy attacked her with a shotgun, bound her hands behind her back with cable ties, strangled her with an electrical cord, and raped and sodomized her at the foot of her bed.  

"He then slashed her throat with a knife and repeatedly stabbed her in the back.  After murdering her, LeCroy stole her vehicle and drove to the Canadian border, where he was arrested," Kerri added.

According to the Justice Department Spokesperson, in March 2004, a federal jury found LeCroy guilty of carjacking resulting in death and unanimously recommended a sentence of death, which the district court imposed. 

 "His conviction and sentence were affirmed on appeal, and his requests for collateral relief were rejected by every court that considered them. 

"Nearly 19 years after brutally ending the life of Joann Lee Tiesler, William Emmett LeCroy finally has faced the justice he deserved.  Family members and loved ones of Tiesler, including her father and her fiancé, witnessed the execution,”  he concluded.

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